Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Great Teacher Student War

          "Are you ready to get pummeled, Mr. Bowser?" Josh said to Mr. Bowser's face, both heavily breathing and panting. "Josh, you are the best player here, but it's our ball and the game winning point, so Mr. Less and I have to win." The game was at a tie, 199-199, and whoever made the next point won. Mr. Less had the ball at the three point line, with Eric guarding him intensively. In the paint, Mr. Bowser ran back and forth trying desperately to get open, but the monstrous 6 feet of pure basketball skill named Joshua was guarding Mr. Bowser. He's hands were upward and high enough to touch the sun. In a sudden flash, Mr. Bowser swooped behind Josh and became open. Mr. Less seeing their opportunity threw the ball for a pass. Like a bolt of immense lightning, Josh stole the ball, for nothing is allowed to get pass his domain while in the paint. "Wow Josh, you are so amazing and talented, you are truly the best!" yelled Mr. Bowser and Mr. Less as Josh dunked the ball one handed. As Eric went to Josh to congratulate him, Mr. Less and Mr. Bowser murmured and whispered to one another. "Josh's skill is unmatched, I am envious of him." snickered Mr. Bowser. "You are right, I am going to give him a F for the next Geometry test." giggled Mr. Less.

          "What do you mean I failed? And an zero! How is that possible!" Josh argued with Mr. Less. "Sorry Josh, you missed every question on the test wrong." Mr. Less said with a smirk. "I studied for five hours last night, I don't understand!" Josh was puzzled, how could this have happened? As everyone went to the insight room for lunch, Josh did some investigative work. He searched through some papers on top of Mr. Less's desk and made a horrifying discovery. In Mr. Less's diary (which Josh found rather hilarious) was a note that said, "GIVE JOSH F ON NEXT TEST."

          Josh was upset and puzzled. Did Mr. Less really give him a F just for beating him in basketball? Was Mr. Bowser somehow involved in this too? Josh thought it would be best to address this issue to Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Maiorca. During lunch, Josh went to them and told his story. "Well, Joshua," said Mrs. Maiorca, "if you failed the test, you failed the test!" Mrs. Cook added, "I have to agree with Mrs. Maiorca, Josh. I am sorry." This made Josh very furious and mad. He could not even trust the teachers and staff he depended on.

          The Great Geauga Academy War lasted only two days, but was some of the worst and disturbing conflict ever recorded in modern day history. The inventions of the eraser cannons and textbook grenades gave the teachers a tremendous advantage over their opposes, the students. However, the students were led by a determined, young leader named Joshua Bearce, whose courage and leadership was enough to secure the students' victory over the teachers during battle on Monday, that ended the great war.

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