Thursday, September 18, 2014

Attack of the Clone

         I walk home, discovering that I have a identical clone in my living room. I stare in shock, as he does the same. Then I scream out "There can only be one!" in a deep Scottish accent, and a tackle him to the ground. We begin to slug it out, but at the end we are evenly matched so no one wins. Exhausted and both laying down on the floor. We begin to talk. How can such a thing have happened? How will our family and friends react? Most importantly, who is the real Joshua? Then it struck our minds like a freight train. There is two Joshua's now, which the same identical skills. We decide to team up, and conquer what we want. We head outside, and play two vs two games with friends and strangers alike, demolishing any competition. We go fish and catch twice as many fish then we (I) did before. We are unstoppable. We graduate high school, and go into politics. After many hard years of reaching to the top, the original Joshua becomes President of the United States, while the clone becomes the dictator of Russia. Together we conquer all the other nations and make the world under absolute control of the Josh Twins.

          At our death beds, we look at one another. It is like looking into a mirror that can change its figure whenever it wants. "What have we accomplished, my friend," I told the clone, "we rule the world with tyranny and fear. Is this really what we want?" My clone looks puzzled and confused. "Is this not what we wanted, comrade?" he says, with a slight Russian accent he had developed after living in Russia for many years. I look out the window. Snow falls lightly across the city of New Joshville, one of many new capitals we created together. "We created a nightmare, this is not what I...we truly wanted. We could of used our power to do go in this world, but instead we chased our own desires. We let greed control us. Is this how we will be remembered by history?" I look back at my clone, but his eyes are shut closed. I can tell by his chest that his last breathe was not to long ago. "I should of finished you when we first meant." I say this with tears in my eyes, then close them.

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